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Learn from images- a shareware program to help you

Stop press! New Program....

On 30 Jul 12, a new application was released which does what MGA14 did... but, I hope, does it better. It is still a little "raw", but I suggest you start with MGA27, which is very similar to MGA14 (which is what the rest of this page is about.) MGA27 is at present FREEWARE... you can download it, and use it as long as you wish. You do not have to "register". The question sets devised for MGA14 will work with MGA27. PLEASE try it? PLEASE send feedback? (The download is just a zip[ file... unzip to the folder of your choice and it "is installed". The .exe that comes out of the .zip archive is the MGA27 application, not a "setup" program. The program WILL write an ini file to your disk, in whatever folder you have put MGA27.exe in.

The page you are reading... about MGA14... was the basis for a "new" page for MGA27. This page will gradually "go away", as I transition clients to the "new improved" program. There is nothing of importance below... you might as well go to MGA27's page.

The program puts an image on the screen. Beneath the image there are three buttons. One's label will be something related to the image, the other labels will be unrelated.

I wrote the program to help me to learn the names of pupils I see infrequently. A face appears on the screen, and three buttons with three names. Users click on the button they think matches the image. If right, a new problem appears. If wrong, that label goes red, and the user tries again. Thus users get instant feedback when they are ignorant, and an immediate chance to try again. If they succeed on their second attempt, they go on to the next problem, if not, they get to see what the right answer was. (It will be the text on the remaining button.)

Several sets of questions are available here for download, but the program will really serve you well if you to set up your own question sets, comprising the things you need to learn. Nothing could be simpler: You merely put a bunch of bitmap (extension bmp) files in a folder, naming each image as you want the label to appear on the button. The bitmaps should be 250 pixels high, no more than 680 pixels wide.

Click here to download zip file with the program.... It will unzip into InstallShield setup files for you to run, and a readme. After doing the setup, you will have the program and some demo question sets.

Please note one rough edge still marring the program: After you start it, you must click "New Question" once to get the first question.

Download problem, etc? Please report, quote:A#mga14

Alternative, additional data sets demonstrating the program:

In each case, you just download a self extracting file created with WinZip by clicking on the heading for the demo set you want. When you run the file, all it will do is put some .BMP files in the folder of your choice.

Ten North American birds (2MB): Problem? Please report, quote:A#mga14Birds

Dog breeds (2.6MB): Problem? Please report, quote:A#mga14dogs

Geography: Countries of Southern Africa (54kb): Problem? Please report, quote:A#mga14geo1SoAf

Music: British notation terms (103kb): Problem? Please report, quote:A#mga14mus1

Painters' Works, Set 1 (1.5MB): Problem? Please report, quote:A#mga14paint1

Painters' Works, Set 2 (1.7MB): Problem? Please report, quote:A#mga14paint2

Painters' Works: More by painters in sets 1 and 2 (1.5MB): Problem? Please report, quote:A#mga14paint1n2b

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If you would like to make a similar sets of .BMPs available to people, send me your URL and I would be glad to publicize what you have done. The .BMPs should be 250 pixels high, no more than 680 pixels wide. The names of the .BMPs will determine what appears on the buttons MGA14 generates for the user to click to say what the current image is.

Good luck! Enjoy!

If you found this useful, please visit my shareware "store" Sheepdog Software's Freeware & Shareware... and maybe even tell others of it?

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Looking for email, domain registration, or web site hosting? If you visit 1&1's site from here, it helps me. They host my website, and I wouldn't put this link up for them if I wasn't happy with their service. They offer things for the beginner and the corporation.

Ad from page's editor: Yes.. I do enjoy compiling these things for you. I hope they are helpful. However... this doesn't pay my bills!!! Sheepdog Software (tm) is supposed to help do that, so if you found this stuff useful, (and you run a Windows or MS-DOS PC) please visit my freeware and shareware page, download something, and circulate it for me? Links on your page to this page would also be appreciated!
Click here to visit editor's freeware, shareware page.

How to email or write this page's editor, Tom Boyd

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....... P a g e . . . E n d s .....